Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar, who attended the New York premiere of Hrithik Roshan's ambitious project "Kites",
described the film as being "outstanding".
"'Kites' is outstanding and Hrithik is beyond brilliant. Barbara (Mori) lights up the screens and connects on all levels...
it's a winner, " the director posted on his Twitter account.
Directed by Anurag Basu, "Kites" is a love story that crosses borders and linguistic barriers. It's a tale of romance
between an Indian man and a Mexican beauty.
It also stars Actress Kangana Ranaut. Produced by Hrithik's father Rakesh Roshan and distributed by Reliance Big
Pictures, "Kites" will release worldwide in Hindi May 21 and in English May 28.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:55 IST